G'Day Mates!! Come join us for our 2022 Vacation Bible School as we zoom around Australia discovering some amazing animals and sights. More importantly, like a boomerang, we will spend the week returning kids to what the Bible says about the value of life.
VBS will take place June 6th-10th from 8:45 a.m. until noon and all kiddos ages 4 (by June 6th) through those who have just completed 5th grade are invited to attend. Each day there will be rotations of crafts, music, missions, recreation, snack and bible study. We will be taking up pennies for offering to donate to the Children's Hunger Fund at the end of VBS week.
Our Commencement Program will take place on Sunday, June 12th at 6:00 p.m. where all kiddos will perform the VBS songs and be given their t-shirts and all crafts they make throughout the week.
If your kiddos will need a ride, please call the church office at (270) 333-2691 to arrange pick up.